Cobra pic by (12Kbyte) harmless (<1K) The Elite Home Page elite (<1K) Cobra pic by (12Kbyte)
"Elite"   was originally written in 1984 by myself  (Ian Bell) and David Braben for the BBC Microcomputer. It has since been converted to many platforms. The best conversions were for the Nintendo Entertainment System and the Acorn Archimedes.
Cobra pic About this site
News and comment pertaining to this web site.
    Frequently Asked Questions
Please read before emailing me.
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Cobra (1Kbyte) Published Elites
Emulable versions for various platforms.
    Unpublished Demos
Unpublished versions.
Planet (4Kbyte)
El Logo (2Kbyte) Elite Manual
The Flight Training Manual. Newly added: Original Players' Guide.
    The Dark Wheel
Elite novella by Rob Holdstock
El Logo (2Kbyte)
El TxtLogo (<1K) Text Elite
Elite trade engine in C.  
    Elite The Musical
The Elite Musical
ETM logo (<1K)
ETNK Cobra Elite 40th Anniversary
New old sources added to archive.
    Elite Archives
Elite file archive.
An actual archive - with files.
El Box (2Kbyte)
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